Encrypted access (SSID eduroam and INFN-dot1x )

Automatic configuration

Instructions for any hardware

Connect to the Eduroam automatic configuration website and select "INFN" as entity and then "INFN-Genova" as user group. If your operating system is not detected properly, you can select it via "All platforms" below. Once the installer for your platform has downloaded, follow the instructions, providing access data. In the username, include the domain (@ge.infn.it).

Manual configuration

General Instructions (Linux, Windows 10, Android)

The parameters of the connection to the Eduroam wireless network are:
Network Name (SSID): eduroam or infn-dot1x
Security: WPA2-Enterprise
Protocol: EAP
Authentication: TTLS (tunnelled TLS)
Password: PAP
CA certificate: Geant Vereniging Sectigo CA
Anonymous ID: username_used_to_connect_to_mailbox@ge.infn.it
User ID: username_used_to_connect_to_mailbox@ge.infn.it
Password: your INFN e-mail Password

Instructions for OS X and iOS

  Download and install (double click once downloaded) this file.   
   In order to remove eventual cached previous configurations, before using the INFN-dot1x network, you may want to restart your system.

Instructions for Windows 7

Contact the IT service.

Unencrypted access FOR GUESTS ONLY (SSID INFN-Web and web interface)This method is applicable only if your device does not support the use of encryption certificates (many tablets and smartphones); It's recommended to only use secure protocols over it (ssh, https, imaps, pops, ...) so your passwords and sensitive data are still protected.
The connection must be made by specifying "INFN-Web" as SSID.
At this point, users will have to authenticate in the web interface.

Web authentication

Once the operating system is configured to associate to the wireless network (see above) unregistered users must follow these instructions:

  • Start the internet browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla, etc...)
  • Try to reach any web site (NOT HTTPS): you will be automatically redirected to the authentication page.
  • Once there:
  • if you have a username/password (one viable for the local UNIX central systems), type it and click login.
  • If you have a certificate signed by the INFN Certification Authority, upload it to the browser and click on the "X509" button.

After the authentication, a popup window appears, confirming the the connection's functionality.
It's not possible to access the network without one of the two requirements above (username/password or certificate).
Once logged in you can access to all the services section except the Microsoft Network.

(You can't browse the shared Windows system resources).
NB .: The network connection remains active until midnight.


The local INFN site makes secure wireless access available, integrated with the Eduroam community and with INFN (TRIP).
Both require the username/password authentication, and are configured to allow users to authenticate throughout the whole INFN using the central members database, in the second case, or in all the universities and research institutes belonging to the Eduroam consortium in the first.
The SSID to connect via encrypted connection are eduroam and INFN-dot1x .

If you cannot access the encrypted service for incompatibilities (eg. you're using an outdated phone or tablet), an unencrypted service with web authentication exists, accessible by connecting to the SSID INFN-Web.