Task 2.3 - Computation of matrix elements for in medium quarkonium evolution
Coordinator: Antonio Vairo
General description:
This subtask deals with quarkonium propagation and suppression in the medium formed in heavy-ion collisions. The quarkonium low-energy out of equilibrium dynamics is governed by in-medium correlators, which we aim to compute in lattice QCD.
Progress [1-18 months]:
The heavy quark diffusion coefficient has been computed in quenched QCD over a wide range of temperatures (from 1.1 to 10000 times the critical temperature) in [Br20h]. It has been found that within errors the lattice results are remarkably compatible with the next-to-leading order perturbative result.
Temperature dependence of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient k from [Br20h] ("Our result") compared to the NLO result. The shaded bands include the errors coming from varying the scale by a factor 2. The blue band also includes the statistical error.
[Br20h] N. Brambilla, V. Leino, P. Petreczky and A. Vairo, arXiv:2007.10078 [hep-lat], to be published in Phys. Rev. D.