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The Mu2e Transport Solenoid

The Mu2e experiment at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory is designed to search the zero-neutrinos muon to electron decay, forbidden in the Standard Model. The magnets system is composed by a Production Solenoid, in which pions and muons are produced and pre-filtered, a Transport Solenoid that acts a sign/momentum selection and a Detector Solenoid, in which the detectors are nested and the electron cinematic variables are reconstructed.

The Mu2e magnetic line (Courtesy of M.Lamm)

INFN Genova is involved in the mechanical characterisation and in the industrial follow-up of the 52 superconducting coils that form the Transport Solenoid. The activity started with the SPEME_5 experiment, funded by CSN5 of INFN, is aimed at developing a prototype module. The activities are co-funded by CSN1 under the experiment P_Mu2e.

On July 2013 a construction contract of the prototype has been awarded to ASG Superconductors in Genova. On December 2014 the prototype construction was completed and the prototype module was delivered to Fermilab.

On September 2016 the Model Module, last step before the starting of the series production, has been completed and all the construction procedures have been validated. In autumn 2016 the mass production has started and the delivery of the first module at Fermilab is foreseen for the summer of 2017.

Contact information:
Pasquale Fabbricatore (e-mail)
INFN Sezione di Genova
via Dodecaneso 33, 16146 Genova (Italy)
Tel: +390103536340