Distributed technical infrastructure for the development and tests of high power normal conducting structures for hadron acceleration and high power couplers: the infrastructure is distributed in one laboratory and four sections of INFN (Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro-LNL, Padova, Torino, Bologna). Structural, thermo-mechanical engineering and design of the resonators is carried out, while mechanical construction is shared among the four centers (equipped with up-to-date mechanical instrumentation and brazing ovens) and the Italian and European basin of skilled and specialized mechanical manufacturers. The distributed team has the capability of building relatively large size components with extreme mechanical accuracy, like for high power brazed RFQs. LNL hosts an area dedicated to RF tests of both resonators and high power couplers, for different RF frequency range between 80 and 352 MHz and with an RF power up to 200 kW. . The next commitment shall be the realization of the 40 m long 352 MHz DTL for the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund (Sweden), 50 mA pulsed peak current, 3-90 MeV energy range.